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Blake Clifford Music, Northwest Indiana

Blake Clifford

Who: Blake Clifford
What: Artist/Studio Owner
Where: Lowell, Indiana
Gear: R22 Dual-Channel Compressor

From the Front:

"Recording my vocals over the past several years has been an extreme challenge; controlling the varying levels has proved to be almost impossible at times, no matter the gear used. I have many compressors, both hardware and software, and none could provide the necessary control for my vocal tracks.

"Subsequently, I worked with Tharon Jones at Sweetwater and he recommended that I give the JDK Audio R22 compressor a try. On a recent Rap tune, I recorded a melodic vocal track for the intro and chorus—I was blown away by how effectively and transparently the R22 handled my vocals. My next purchase is the JDK Audio R20 preamp!"

About Blake Clifford:

In 2008, logistics professional Blake Clifford decided to leave his field and return to his first love, music. Now teaching, writing and recording music for a living, he owns and operates Blake Clifford Music, a small project studio in Northwest Indiana. Clifford, who attended the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago, Illinois, works with all genres and has recently completed the track "Wicked Attraction" with rapper Day Day of Palm, Florida.

Contact: http://takelessons.com/profile/blake-c10
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